Making Connections Small Group Kit, Reading Comprehension, Grade 3
Product Details
Help your students read to succeed with the Making Connections Small Group Kit. Designed to help master relevant fiction and nonfiction, each Making Connections unit provides students with multiple opportunities to develop, practice, and master a specific reading comprehension skill. Teacher Guide helps employ information in a scaffolded format that supports students by modeling, guiding, and then coaching students to reading independence. This set is specifically designed for Grade 3 literacy level.
Product Features
- High-interest informational and narrative reading selections in Student Books are designed for active, strategic reading and identification of specific comprehension skills
- Teacher’s Edition includes scaffolded, explicit instruction of the Student Book, varied techniques to accommodate students at different levels, Text Connections, and reproducible multiple-choice assessments
- Readers (books) feature a range of fiction and nonfiction texts that each include a specific reading comprehension strategy/focus, a purpose-setting question, graphic organizer, follow-up comprehension questions, and a writing activity.
Product Includes:
Small Reading Comprehension Group Kit for Grade 3 Includes:
- 6 Student Books
- 1 Teacher's Edition Book
- One Reader Class Set with 36 Books Total (6 Copies Each of 6 Assorted Readers/Titles):
- The Wallet in the Woods (Skill: Sequencing)
- Roberto Clemente (Skill: Main Idea)
- Animals in Disguise (Skill: Comparing/Contrasting)
- Ready, Set, Puppy! (Skill: Drawing Conclusions and Predicting Outcomes)
- In Search of the Yeti (Skill: Fact and Opinion)
- Tom, Maker of the Chairs (Skill: Cause and Effect)