Recipe For Reading Alphabet Series Starter Kit, Volumes 1 to 3

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SKU: 9780838885086

Product Details

The Alphabet Series Starter Set consists of 39 vocabulary controlled selections (Volumes 1, 2, and 3) by Frances Bloom, Mary Geiger, and other authors, enabling students to apply their phonics skills in context. The stories, which increase in difficulty as the lessons progress, help students practice target words and review sounds and sight words.

This Starter Kit is a part of the Recipe For Reading Series, a comprehensive, multisensory, phonics-based reading program that presents a skill sequence and lesson structure designed for beginning, at-risk, or struggling readers.Recommended for developmental/beginning readers in Grades K to 3 or for intervention/struggling readers in Grades 1 to 6.

Product Features

  • These Alphabet Series Readers provide reading practice geared to the phonogram presentation with target words, sounds, sight words, comprehension through personal writing responses, and more
  • Fictional stories with black-and-white illustrations are engaging and will help students stay motivated to master text and key phonics concepts
  • Each book is sequentially numbered 1 to 39, books (sequentially numbered 1 to 18) and correspond to lessons in Student Workbooks 1 to 8 (each sold separately)

Product Includes:

Complete Set of 39 Readers Include:
  • Volume 1 Series (18 Books, Numbered 1 to 18)
  • Volume 2 Series (18 Books, Numbered 19 to 36)
  • Volume 3 Series (3 Books, Numbered 37 to 39)

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