EPS Mi Libro De Palabras

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SKU: 9780838861301

Product Details

This Spanish version of My Word Book is a personal word and picture book that provides an initial list of 90 high-frequency sight words with accompanying illustrations, plus plenty of blank lines and picture boxes for new words and illustrations chosen by the student or teacher. A section in the back of the book provides pages for school tools, the names of friends and family members, and other categories of words. Perfect for use with My Word Book in bilingual classrooms, Mi librode palabras pays special attention to differences in Spanish spelling and punctuation. As students use the book, they start making the links between words and images, as well as learning the "labels" for familiar objects in their world. The process of adding words that are relevant and personally meaningful engages students in learning and remembering. Review areas: alphabetization, spelling, word recognition, vocabulary development, and dictionary skills.

Product Includes:

  • 1 Dictionary (Spanish Version)