The Paragraph Book 4, Student Edition

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SKU: 9780838826744

Product Details

After a review of Book 3, Book 4 presents three more Expository Paragraphs (Classifying, Comparing, and Cause and Effect) and the Persuasive Paragraph. In this book, students return to the number formula and use several kinds of graphic organizers to help them structure their writing. Students receive ample practice as they write two complete paragraphs at the end of each lesson. As the lessons progress, students will gain skills that will lead them to the final goal: writing multi-paragraph essays. Every fourth lesson is a review and concludes with important revision of previously written paragraphs.

Skills addressed include classification, supporting sentences, topic sentences, lead-in sentences, compare and contrast, cause and effect, chain of events, persuasion, audience and tone, transitions, sound reasoning, the number formula, and brainstorming.

About The Paragraph Book Series: This highly specialized writing intervention series targets middle school students with a step-by-step approach to editing, formatting, and building paragraphs while mastering the four basic writing strands encountered on standards-based tests.