Wordly Wise 3000 Vocabulary Classroom Set with 25 Books, 4th Edition, Grade K

$466.99 Consumer Price

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SKU: 1585236

Product Details

Wordly Wise 3000 for Kindergarten develops key oral vocabulary skills necessary for literacy success and prepares students for the content-area reading they will encounter in later grades. The Grade K student book features colorful, adorable illustrations designed to help keep kids focused while vocabulary words and concepts are introduced through teacher-led activities. The oral and visual focus meets young students' developmental needs and supports ELL students and struggling students. The flexible lesson plans feature 20-25 minute lessons to be given 3-4 times per week. Both formal and informal assessments are included, which can be given individually or in small groups.

Product Features


  • 25 copies of Student Book K
  • 1 Teacher's Resource Package K (1 Teacher's Resource Book, 1 set of Concept Cards, 1 set of Picture Cards)

Product Includes:

  • 25 Student Books
  • 1 Teacher's Resource Book
  • 1 Set of Concept Cards
  • 1 Set of Picture Cards